Ego is simply an idea of who you are that you carry around with you. As such, it cannot be surgically removed by having an egoectomy! This idea of who you think you are will persistently erode any possibility you have of connecting to intention.Here we will show you simple steps to reduce your Ego, hence, you will have a better character.
Step 1) Stop being offended
we get offended, it is really our ego at work. We take something that
someone did or said personally, and make it wrong. Getting offended
creates the same destructive energy that offended you in the first place
and leads to an escalated situation of negative energy, thus moving us
away from our connection to source.
Step 2) Let go of the need to win
is our ego that divides the world into winners and losers. While
performing to the best of our abilities is necessary, the real problem
happens when we start associating our self-worth to winning. If our
self-worth is associated with winning, sooner or later we will get
disconnected from source, as it not possible to win all the time. There
will always be someone faster, stronger, younger, smarter on some day.
Step 3) Let go of the need to be right
natural job of the ego is to make ourselves right, and make others
wrong. Being connected to our source is being kind, loving, receptive
and at peace, without any anger, resentment or bitterness. Giving power
to the ego is encouraging it's natural hostility, and when one is
hostile, he is disconnected from the source. The ego is the reason many
beautiful relationships are destroyed. In moments when the ego kicks in
strongly, one can ask ourselves “Do we want to be right or do we want
to be happy?” Choosing to be happy keeps our connection to our source
and helps us create the life we want.
Step 4) Let go of the need to be superior
of us are equal in the eyes of God. Each and every person is a
manifestation of divinity. We all have a special purpose of our own. No
one is inferior or superior. However it is natural for the ego to
identify others on the basis of their appearance, achievements,
intelligence and possessions, and judge itself as superior in some way. A
superiority complex is a form of hostility, and attracts back only
hostile feelings, and keeps us disconnected with source.
Step 5) Let go of the need to have more
ego is never satisfied and always wants more. No matter how much one
achieves or acquires, it is never enough for the ego. However this
constant need of wanting more keeps one perpetually in a state of lack,
and only brings back more lack. Instead, when we let go of this need to
have more, we naturally start attracting abundance in our life. The
nature of source is to be contended, without any lack, and hence
contentment is necessary to be connected to the source.
Step 6) Stop identifying yourself on the basis of your achievements
ego’s concept is that “I did it” - It is I who achieved everything. All
spiritual students are taught that “We are not the doer”. What does
that mean? It means giving up the need to take credit for all
achievements. A person advanced on the path realizes that ultimately all
talents are given by Him, and the credit for all achievements also goes
to Him. We just need to be grateful that He has given us unique talents
with which we fulfill our purpose in this world. Taking all credit for
our achievements is like the pen taking credit for writing a poem that
the poet penned down. As long as we think “we did it”, the ego is active
and we are disconnected from our source.
Step 7) Let go of your reputation
reputation lies in the minds of others and you have no control over it.
When we are overly concerned about what others think of us, we are
disconnected from our source and become a slave to others' opinions. The
real voice to listen to the voice of the heart - in doing so one is
truly connected to his purpose and fully connected to the source. Your
reputation has nothing to do with you - so let others debate over it.